Can you hear that? No? Try pressing your ear to the door…
Can you hear it now? Yes! The furious clicking of keys, the squeak of chair hinges, the hissed mutter of terms that seem foreign to a normie’s ear? You know what that means. Leviathan has reached the final boss in his latest game, and it only took one cursed time loop to get there. Really, by his standards, that isn’t that bad. Lucifer should have thanked him for limiting his game-related shenanigans to a single inconvenience, this time around. That’s the thing with time loops, though. Perhaps it was more than one hiccup.The Castle of the Otaku toes the line between stillness and action, the stiff figurines cast in an undulating blue light, a watery glow from the large aquarium set into the far wall. That’s the way Leviathan likes it. It’s a strategic mix of fantasy and reality, a dreamy seascape like a mermaid’s hidden trove of treasures valuable to no one else, and yet a reminder of that invisible wall that divides him from those society deems as “normal”. Funny how creatures like demons still have to bend to the taste of the masses.His new game received a relatively low grade from the Devildom’s top entertainment magazine, but the author of the article clearly failed to appreciate the nuance of Cardccubi☆Conquest. Building off the foundation of staples such as DevilStone and Curses: The Summoning, the newest release in the Cardccubi series blends classic gameplay with new, romanceable characters. It’s genius, really. A tongue in cheek nod to what was, and what could be.Leviathan bites the inside of his cheek, checks his active deck pictured on the bottom of the screen. The busty witch representing his opponent swings her scepter, a pixelated haze sweeping over his monitor. He prays to Ruri-chan above, gambles it all on a risky draw, and holds his breath.The chair squeaks as he leans back, satisfaction glowing in the cool sweat that dots his temples, in the reflection of the game’s credits in his amber eyes. He’s glad he could win it all with his favorite card.
It makes him wonder… Do you have a favorite card?
Level Up! A Leviathan Fanzine aims to highlight the gameplay of Obey Me!, asking contributors to create works inspired by their favorite Leviathan character and memory cards. We are looking to welcome creators of all skill levels and experience, in hopes we can create a safe community to foster growth and collaboration. With the intent to release a FREE digital zine at the end of our creation period, we believe that this experience will allow all involved to, truly, level up!Please visit the other pages of this carrd for further information on this project and how to contact us.
meet the head moderator

Mod Panda (@asptrashpanda) recently got into Obey Me! and has developed a frankly unhealthy obsession with the fish man. She tried to put “Levi let me spoon you” in her Nightbringer status, but Lord Diavolo thinks it will disrupt the harmony between the three realms. Naturally, the only compromise here is to create a digital shrine to Leviathan.Having modded Hall Of Fame (now in the manufacturing period) and currently modding Stardust: A Belphegor Zine (now in creation period), she is excited to take on another passion project. Well-versed in writing, having posted plenty of fanfiction for various fandoms over the last 4 years, she looks forward to coaching the zine’s creators to ensure they shine as bright as the colorful pebbles at the bottom of Henry 2.0’s bowl.You can find her on Not-Twitter, Tumblr and AO3!Mod Panda's previous zine experience includes:
🫧 Writer for Heartbeats, Inumaki’s Domain, and Marchenstunde
🫧 Guest Writer for We Are! On a Journey!
🫧 Head Mod/Writing Mod for Hall of Fame: A Pokemon Champions Fanzine
🫧 Head Mod/Writing Mod for Stardust: A Belphegor Zine
Interested in helping out? Contributors with zine experience are more than welcome to assist with graphics, formatting, art and social media. Please make note in section 4 of the “application”, if you are interested in extra responsibility!
Zine Specs
🫧 Level Up! will feature multiple works from various artists, writers, and digital merch artists, with all content focused on Obey Me!’s Leviathan. We welcome pieces including other characters, as long as the focus is on Levi. Please see the FAQs and Guidelines for more information.🫧 Level Up! has a theme: cards! In the application, you will be asked to mark down which of Levi’s cards you are most interested in representing. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RECREATE THE CARD/DEVILGRAM. We are simply asking you to draw inspiration from the card, as we hope to organize our table of contents with the names of the cards.🫧 This will be a free digital zine. Download will be available on our social media, and on our carrd upon completion of the project. There is no compensation for this project. This is purely meant to be a fun experience, as well as a chance for all sorts of creators with a passion for Obey Me! to meet and mingle.🫧 The zine itself will be SFW. If there is enough interest among our contributors, we will do an additional NSFW “DLC”. However, the SFW zine is priority, in order to share this project with as many Levi lovers as possible.
rules and guidelines
First and foremost, Level Up! is meant to be a zine open to creators of all skill levels and experience. Though we ask you fill out the “application” to receive your card assignment and gain access to the server, all applicants will be accepted as long as they correctly fill out the form and adhere to the following guidelines.🫧 Be mindful to take the schedule into consideration before applying. Additionally, if you have to step out of the project at any point, please try to notify us as soon as possible.🫧 All applicants must be at least 18 years old. Though the zine is SFW, if there is to be a NSFW “DLC”, we feel it is best to ensure all contributors are 18+.🫧 We will NOT be accepting any contributors who are found creating or supporting pedophilic or incestuous content.🫧 All applicants must have a Discord account as this will be the only way we will be communicating with contributors to organize the zine. If you do not have one, we will need you to make one if you are brought on as a contributor.🫧 Though this zine is open to creators of all levels and experience, we are unable to work with any traditional art. In an effort to make the PDF as consistent in quality as possible, we do require all pieces to be digital in nature. As much as we love traditional art, it is hard to capture its quality through a scan or photo. Specific specs for digital pieces will be provided in the Discord server once we enter our creation stage.🫧 All applicants must submit a portfolio. You may link a Google Drive folder, a Carrd, a website, a Tumblr tag or Twitter Moment, etc. If you’re using Google Drive, please ensure that your portfolio and sample links have viewing permission and are accessible. YOU WILL NOT BE TURNED AWAY FOR ANYTHING RELATED TO SKILL LEVEL. The portfolio is purely for us to get a feel of your work and to best match your card assignment.🫧 Plagiarism and AI generated pieces will not be tolerated; all works must be your own. Any contributor that is caught violating this rule will automatically be excluded from the project with no warning. Additionally, if you have anything to do with the minting or sales of NFTs, we ask you not to apply.🫧 Contributors retain the rights to their contribution, even after the zine has been completed.🫧 A zine is a professional space; in order to keep the project fun and stress-free for everyone, absolutely no harassment, discrimination, or bullying will be tolerated. Additionally, we insist that all participants refrain from any ship/character discourse.🫧 Any contributor demonstrating guideline-breaking behavior will get one warning. A second warning will result in being removed from the project and Discord server; this is applicable at any point. This rule is valid from the moment you’ve accepted to be a contributor until the very end of the project. Depending on the seriousness of their behavior, a contributor might immediately be removed without a warning.
frequently asked questions
A zine, short for fanzine, is a fan-published and unofficial collection of artwork and writing with additional merchandise. As we are not producing physical zines, this will be a free downloadable PDF. If contributors are interested in creating digital merch (such as wallpapers, icons, and emotes), they will also be included in the download folder.🫧 WILL THIS ZINE FEATURE SHIPPING CONTENT?
Considering the nature of the Obey Me! games, pieces including Leviathan’s relationship with the MC will be accepted, depending on the representation of the MC. Two things: we ask that the content is focused on Leviathan, and that the MC remains nameless and gender neutral.🫧CAN I FEATURE OTHER CHARACTERS IN MY CONTRIBUTION?
Yes! Please remember to keep the main focus on Levi, though. As an example, drawing Levi gaming with Beel and Belphie is fine; drawing Mammon with Levi merely in the background is not.🫧 HOW WILL CONTRIBUTORS BE COMPENSATED FOR THEIR WORK/TIME?
As this is a free digital zine, there will be no compensation besides access to the downloads. We hope that the low pressure environment, as well as the potential to collaborate and meet other creators, will attract many different contributors. At the end of the day, this is just about spreading love for Levi.🫧 HOW MANY CONTRIBUTORS IS THIS PROJECT LOOKING FOR?
As many as apply! There is no limit, as we are not concerned about page number and manufacturing prices. Everything is better in 2D, right Levi?🫧 CAN I CONTRIBUTE TO THE ZINE IF I AM NOT A CREATOR?
There are options! If this is something you’re interested in, please contact us directly and we can discuss some ways to get involved.🫧 I'VE NEVER WORKED ON A ZINE BEFORE. HOW DO I START?
Don’t worry - it can be intimidating, but we’re here to help! First, you check the schedule and guidelines to ensure you are a good fit for the zine. Then, you make a portfolio. This is best done on Google Drive (just ensure the permissions are set for anyone with the link to view). Then, fill out the “application”. Once you get the email with your card assignment and the link to the Discord server, you will be able to chat directly with the team. Here, you will receive all the specs of your work (page dimensions, rough word count, how to save your file in CYMK, etc.)🫧 CAN I SHIP LEVI WITH OTHER CHARACTERS, ASIDE FROM MC?
Yes! As long as you are not shipping him with his brothers (yes, we know they are not ACTUALLY related, but still), you can ship Levi with other characters. NOT LUKE THOUGH, but that should be a given.🫧 CAN I DRAW/WRITE MY INTERPRETATION OF LEVI OR ARE WE TO STICK AS CLOSE TO CANON AS POSSIBLE?
Canon? Who is she? We don't know a canon here...
WE WANT A VARIETY OF SEA GREMLINS IN THIS ZINE! As long as Levi is easily recognizable (think basic traits, like hair color, eye color, nail polish, horn shape, etc.), then you are welcome to go ham with your interpretation.🫧 HOW WILL YOU ASSIGN THE CARDS?
GREAT QUESTION. Here's my plan...
Since skill is not going to be taken into account, I believe it is most fair to work on a "first come, first served" bases. This means that the sooner you get your application in, the more likely you are to get the card you want.
I WILL TRY MY HARDEST to make sure everyone gets a card in their top 5 (ideally top 3).🫧 DOES THE NSFW "DLC" HAVE TO FOLLOW THE SAME CARD ASSINGMENTS?
Nope! The NSFW "DLC" will not follow the same theme. I'll probably find a way to relate it somewhat to the main SFW zine, but pitches will be free from any card assignments.
Have another question? Please do not hesitate to contact us!
The following schedule is a rough idea of our timeline. As this is a low pressure project, we would like to offer contributors plenty of flexibility. As mentioned in the guidelines, we’d like you to be mindful of this schedule, but we are willing to work with all contributors to ensure your piece makes it into the PDF.🫧 Applications open: June 14th, 2024
🫧 Applications close: July 27th, 2024
🫧 Results sent out: July 27th, 2024
🫧 Discord entrance deadline: August 4th, 2024
🫧 First Check-In: September 7th, 2024
🫧 Second Check-In: October 5th, 2024
🫧 Third check-in: November 2nd, 2024
🫧 Final Piece due: November 30th, 2024
🫧 Release: December 25th? Happy holidays, I guess?
join the project
When submitting your application, please make sure that your portfolio can be accessed by the mods! If the mods cannot access the portfolio you provide on your application form, your application will have to be rejected. A good way to double-check if your portfolio is accessible is by trying to open the link to your portfolio in a new incognito window.🫧 Please tailor your portfolio to demonstrate what you’d like to contribute to the zine. Please mark any NSFW samples in your portfolio. No one likes a NSFW jumpscare when you’re not prepared for it. Art/fics of Obey Me! and Obey Me! characters are not required!🫧 FILL OUT THE “APPLICATION" HERE. It may take a little longer than other zine applications, as we do ask you to check off the cards you are most interested in representing.🫧 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!